Monday, September 19, 2011

Mexican army praises and awards a governor - is this its role?

I find recent spectacle in Veracruz downright bizarre, and quite disturbing:
"René Carlos Aguilar Páez, commander of the Sixth Military Region, gave governor Ochoa Javier Duarte two swords with embossed lettering, one with the word Veracruz and the other Forward, in recognition of the social commitment and the fight undertaken for the welfare of the people of Veracruz" (La Jornada)
Where I am from, it is the civilian political authorities that rewards the military for its deeds - not the other way around. This seems to me a very unfortunate mixing of roles, and politicization of the military - or, militarization of politics. Why on earth should the military "decorate" a governor, who has moreover been in office for less than nine months, for his "social commitments"?

From La Jornada

The caption from the above picture includes the line, "The veracruzano governor reaffirmed that his government's alliance with the armed forces is inseparable, not only to ensure the safety of the population, but to consolidate the prosperity we yearn for."

To declare a military-political alliance as "inseparable" rings very poorly in my ear, especially for a PRI-elected governor.

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