Eruviel Ávila, PRI's dedazo'd candidate for governor of Mexico State, pleaded for the help of Elba Esther Gordillo, head of the teachers "union" SNTE, and the corporatist cadres under her iron control:
"I need maestra Elba Esther; I need the teachers from the state of Mexico from the federalized sector; I need the state teachers, I need everyone."
While it has long been known that Gordillo has essentially returned to the PRI, and that her cadres, always for sale to the highest bidder, can swing, and have swung, many elections - in Mexico state, there are more than 70,000 federalized teachers and 70,000 state teachers into this corporatist holdover of a PRI union - can one at least show a modicum of dignity and not literally beg for their support?