Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Beatriz Paredes, PRI's candidate for Mexico City mayor in 2012

It's been long known that former PRI president Beatriz Paredes Rangel has had her eyes on her party's nomination to be the mayor of Mexico City, and yesterday she came out and officially declared her intentions.

Note that she ran as well in 2006 against Ebrard, when she came in third.

Ironically, given PAN's difficulties in finding a decent candidate, it seems that its 2012 candidate will be Demetrio Sodi, who also ran in 2006 and then came in second.

Ebrard, as the rumor mill has it, is going back and forth between Mario Delgado and Miguel Mancera - secretary of education and attorney general of Mexico City, respectively.

The priceless tweet

From the twittering classes: Pure genius.

"Carlos Fuentes' book The Eagle's Throne 235 pesos. A bottle of gel, 45 pesos. Your daughter ruining your campaign in 140 characters.... PRICELESS."

("Libro de Carlos Fuentes “La Silla del Águila” $235, bote de gel $45, que tu hija arruine tu campaña en 140 caracteres… NO TIENE PRECIO.")