A summit of leftwing forces in Mexico - legislators of the PRD, MC, PT, and notably sitting and newly elected governors of Oaxaca, Guerrero, Tabasco, Morelos, and Mexico - proclaimed at its summit Cumbre de la izquierda mexicana in Guerrero that it will seek unity to promote leftwing causes in Congress as well as through its 4 governors and Chief of the Federal District/Mexico City mayor in a broad coalition.
It also notably stated it will respect the upcoming verdict from the TEPJF, Mexico's electoral tribunal, on the 2012 presidential elections. More notably still, the left's 2012 candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) did not appear at the event.
It also vowed to promote a left agenda that will reject abrogation of worker rights, privatize the PEMEX oil company, or raise VAT on foods and medicines. Little was mentioned, it seems of a more constructive or propositive program: Its manifesto, however welcome for the left as a broad statement of purpose, still reads nonetheless primarily as a reactive agenda.
Ebrard: izquierda impulsará consensos. El Universal, Aug. 16, 2012
El TEPJF debe hacer valer la ley y acataremos su fallo. La Jornada, Aug. 16, 2012
Seguirá la lucha tras el fallo del Tribunal: PRD. El Universal, Aug. 17, 2012
Luchar para devolver la banda de 2.5 a MVS, acuerda la izquierda. La Jornada, Aug. 17, 2012