Manuel Espino, PAN member since 1978, secretary general 2002-2005, and party president 2005-2007, was finally officially expelled from the party by the PAN' somewhat Orwellian-named Commission of Order, after a long and drawn-out process.
Espino says he will continue to fight it, taking it to the TEPJF, or Mexico's federal electoral tribunal.
While there were admittedly some instances were Espino did criticize some PAN candidates, which from what I recall was one of the reasons for his expulsion, it is hard not to see this as a personal crusade from Calderón, whose political strategies, particularly against the narcos, Espino has criticized.
And lest we forget: In April 2006, Espino referred to the PAN's presidential candidate as "the little bald guy with glasses." Now it's personal!