After the 1988 election, despite widespread and well-documented fraud accusations, Carlos Salinas received congratulatory calls from a few leaders who didn't want to bother awaiting the official certification of the election (after any and all complaints have been dealt with): From Ronald Reagan, and from Cuba's Fidel Castro.
Now, Enrique Peña Nieto has received quite a few more, even though AMLO has announced he will impugn the election, and PRI's victorywill then not be official - and Enrique Peña Nieto the president-elect - until early September. Among the first calls he received was from Barack Obama - and Raúl Castro.
Mandatarios felicitan a Peña Nieto. El Universal, July 7, 2012.
Mandatarios felicitan a Peña Nieto. El Universal, July 7, 2012.