Saturday, April 16, 2011

Conspiracy Theorists of the Right: Javier Lozano

Javier Lozano, secretary of work and social welfar and someone who has strongly expressed his interest in being PAN's presidential candidate in 2012, claimed that PRI and PRD agreed to bury PRI's and PAN's suggested labor reform, in return for ending a PAN-PRD alliance in Mexico State.

This is certainly one of the wilder climes I've heard for a while, and certainly from the political right.
I find Lozana in general to be a particularly unappealing candidate, and as much for his personal ways of being - discourses, behavior in public, arrogance, etc - as of his actual policies. Unless he come up with anything more concrete than this wild claim, to this I can add: Conspiracy theorist.

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