Saturday, February 5, 2011

AMLO reproaches chamber of deputies banner episode: Wrong message

To his credit, AMLO spoke out against the idiotic charade by Gerardo Fernández Noroña and friends in the Chamber of Deputies. The national legislator, with help from a couple of other PT and PRD legislators close to AMLO,  unveiled a huge banner with the text, "Would you let a drunkard drive your car? No, right? Why then would you let one run the country."

AMLO, in a meeting yesterday, said whether he is a drunk or not is a "personal question" and that one should be "respectful." Rather than displaying such a banner, AMLO said, "what they should have put is that "Calderón is a usurper."

The episode, which led to shouting and insults and threats of fistfights, eventually shut down congress.

How about not interrupting legislative sessions in congress with any banners at all?

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