Monday, November 14, 2011

Michoacán governor election: PRI ahead with 89% of voted counted

According to the PREP, or a program for preliminary election results contracted by Michoacán's electoral authority, Fausto Vallejo Figueroa is leading in the count to be Michoacán's next governor with 35.38 percent.
Luisa María Calderón Hinojosa is in second place with 32.67.

If confirmed, this is quite an upset: All major polls had Calderón's sister Cocoa as the favorite. It will be a huge triumph for the PRI ahead of 2012.

PRI won in all four districts of the capital Morelia, where Vallejo was governor, and the two in Uruapan. It is also ahead in Hidalgo, Zitácuaro, Apatzingán, Zinapécuaro and Múgica - 9 districts.

PAN is ahead in La Piedad, Zamora, Jiquilpan, Jacona and Tacámbaro, while PRD won Lázaro Cárdenas, Puruándiro, Zacapu, Huetamo, Maravatío, Los Reyes, Pátzcuaro and Coalcomán.

What is moreover clear, as Milenio proclaims front page in its print edition, is that the PRD lost control of the state.


  1. I wish to say that I have followed this amazing, meticulously maintained blog for some time now. Thank you for the effort.

    As for this particular item, it appears to me that the old PRI is now truly resurgent for obvious reasons, although I do not pretend to have a real grasp of current Mexican politics. I am getting a better grasp, however, thanks to your blog.

  2. Most disquieting for democracy in Mexico.

    Both the left and the right lost this State for Democracy by letting the corporatist PRI divide and conquer another State only temporarily taken from the PRI for 2 elections. The same may yet happen to the nation.

    If AMLO is so intent or torpedoing any alliances, then he'd better deliver wins. He is not delivering victories for the left. Some left-leaning publications also blame the federal government for their third place finish in a State they've held for 2 terms. Did they consider the economy, the state of the state, or the governing party's performance as incumbents?

    In failing to cooperate for a democracy where both left and right continue to mature in a fledgling democracy, the door is left open for the corporatist PRI to retake their dominant position. I'd rather see the left and the right continue to have a voice. Otherwise the left does not fail merely itself, but also Democracy and Mexican society itself.

  3. Many thanks for your comments!
