Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Javier Sicilia, to his discredit, dismisses the next elections

Here is where we part: Poet, writer, and activist Javier Sicilia, head of the Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad, dismissed the upcoming national elections as an "ignominy," or a disgrace, as no parties are listening to the citizenry, and so on.

Say what you want about Mexico's parties - or those of any country - but what on earth do we have for alternatives to electoral democracy? Dismissing elections beforehand simply because you reject the existing party options - or that the parties are not immediately accepting your agenda - is irresponsible, pure and simple.

I accept that Sicilia has a right to dismiss all the parties and the upcoming national elections in Mexico.

I also have a right to dismiss that message.

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