Friday, May 27, 2011

Guerrero: Aguirre goes after Torreblanca

Guerrero Governor Ángel Aguirre requested the intervention of the federal audit, or the Auditoría Superior de la Federación (ASF) to investigate the whereabouts of more than seven billion pesos meant for the state education ministry, but mysteriously missing.

Right now, Pricewaterhouse Coopers is undertaking an audit of the administration of Zeferino Torreblanca (2005-2011), and education secretary Silvia Romero Suáre suggested that much more is yet to come.

We'll see.

Earlier this year, El Universal published several damning indictment of Torreblanca's administration (here and here). His supporters claimed improved public infrastructure, given more than 6,000 public works commissioned by the administration, yet he left behind a state overrun by organized crime - in violence, Guerrero is only surpassed by Chihuahua and Durango (45/100,000) - and with severe setbacks in health and education Particularly damning is an increase in mortality rates. A third of Guerrero's inhabitants live in extreme poverty, and illiteracy is rife. Zeferino also proved inept in resolving political crimes such as the much-publicized murder of Armando Chavarría, president of the state congress, in 2009. He broke completely with the party that postulated him, PRD, which he never joined. The PRD was able to elect Aguirre in spite of, and not because of, Zeferino's lackluster administration.

Yet he had his supporters - among them President Felipe Calderón, who defended Torreblanca, yet appeared incapable of taking note of any particular achievement.

Zeferino´s own pathetic defense? If the state of Guerrero is a disaster, it´s because the entire country is a disaster. A more damning admission, impossible.

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