Thursday, April 28, 2011

Senate approves Political Reform: Surprising yet truly significant changes

The Mexican senate yesterday voted to approve what is commonly known simply as La Reforma Política, or a long-pending political reform. It is immensely significant, as includes the following sections:

* Independent or non-party "citizen" candidacies for the 2012 federal election

* Allows for relection of federal and state legislators
* Establishes the mechanism of a popular referendum

* Mechanism for replacing the national president should he die/be incapacitated etc
* Ratification by the senate of regulatory organs
* Gives president more veto powers over budget legislation

Of course, this does not mean the reform has passed; it will now move on to the Chamber of Deputies, and then for ratification of a majority of Mexico's state governments. It is hard to keep one's hope up too high here.

But these are truly profound changes, should they be implemented.


  1. Not sure if you have seen this or not, but it is pretty interesting.

    The quote by Beatriz Paredes about the problems this reform will face in the Chamber is particularly revealing:

    “Creo que el tema de debatir la cláusula de gobernabilidad en el Congreso no tiene que ver con una corriente de opinión, sino que ha sido un planteamiento de la opinión pública de ver como logramos que haya posibilidades de legislar mucho más fácilmente, eso significa qué estrategia de orden parlamentario tienes para construir mayoría en congresos y gobiernos divididos”.

  2. Many thanks-am finally getting to this after a rough end-of-semester week!
