Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Medical helicopter used for ski trips: Mexican Green Party (PVEM) in a nutshell

From the Mexican Green Party (PVEM) - the only rightwing environmentalist party in the world, mind you - we bring you Fernando Reina Iglesias, president of the Environment Commission in the Acapulco city council:

After being caught by the press, the councilor admitted that he had used a helicopter purchased by the Guerrero state's secretary of health to for medical transportation from Guerrero's poorest and most marginalized areas... to go skiing.

The helicopter has so far not been used for any sort of medical purposes whatsover, but for private trips by outgoing governor Zeferino Torreblanca, and for the barefoot-skiing-at-241 km/h-behind-a-helicopter- exercises of Reina Iglesias.

There are a few occasions where I simply just don't find the words, and this is one of them.

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