Monday, February 7, 2011

SME to Peña Nieto: Are you in or are you not?

SME, the Mexican Electricians Syndicate, has for a while openly flirted with the PRI and governor of Mexico State, Enrique Peña Nieto - this, despite the fact that mayor of Mexico City Marcelo Ebrard has been extremely tolerant - many will say too much so - with the union, which has shut down traffic in Mexico City and caused disturbances on countless occasions the past year or so.

Clearly, Martín Esparza has been trying to sell the SME to the highest bidder, and has no qualms about going to the PRI. However, after a march to Toluca, capital of Mexico State, by more than 10,000 esmeistas,  Esparza also declared that it is time for Peña Nieto to decide whether he is in on the bargain or not: The votes of SME, in return for his support for the creation of a new company the SME would control. Unless he received a favorable reply from Nieta, Esparza warned, "every one will vote according to one's own interests."

SME is, to be sure, free to advance its interests in any legal manner and seek support from whatever source it desires, yet it should by now be clear that Esparza is certainly not motivated by any ideological convictions, yet will sell himself to anyone if it will further his own interests and power.

I hope SME's ardent outside defenders take note.

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