Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mexico and the negation of reality

Early chroniclers of Mexico often noted that they had never been in a country where so often people spoke of the virtues and importance of following the law, yet that to such a remarkable degree went on to completely disregard it.

I find one parallel to this in the various interviews the past days with the PRI front runners to replace Enrique Peña Nieto as governor of Mexico: All deny the personal ambitions, as they are desperately jocking for positions behind the scenes, while they at the same time outwardly emphasize it really only is a case of what is best for the party and the state - no personal ambitions here!

Latest in the line of denial: Ricardo Aguilar, head of the PRI in the state:
Q: "Would you like to be a candidate?
A: "It is not a personal issue, as I have said before. At this point it will be whomever best suits the party, and best suits Mexico State."

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