Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And what exactly does SME achieve with this?

I just don't get it. Just a few weeks ago, Martín Esparza received the toma de nota from the federal government as secretary general of the SME, recovering its legal status as union. So why keep on vandalizing?

Yesterday, members of the union, which controlled the now-defunct Luz y Fuerza state company that held a near-monopoly on electricity services in Mexico City, attacked the offices of the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), which is, mind you, not a private but yet another state company that took over the Luz y Fuerza service in Mexico. The SME members threw around paint and sprayed slogan all over the building, and destroyed two automatic teller machines used by regular Mexico City residents to pay their electricity bills conveniently. Now, because of the idiots in the SME, not only will regular citizens be inconvenienced, but given that CFE is a state-owned company as well, their tax payer money will have to be used to replace the machines destroyed by the SME. What purpose does SME leader Esparza possibly think this serves?

This is worthy of the worst charrismo of the PRI unions, not of a union claiming non-PRI left affiliations. Thugs.

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