Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finally, the AMLO-Ebrard break: "The mafia" wants Ebrard to win

It will not be easy to pinpoint exactly the "day" or "moment" of the AMLO-Ebrard break - Ebrard's campaigning on behalf of the PRD-PAN alliances in the summer of 2010, AMLO's highly public rejection of an alliance with PAN in Mexico state, or a range of other smaller events that each could be interpreted as the break.

Yet to me, yesterday's event certainly counts as definitive : In Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, in the state of Luis Potosí, ahead of a meeting with his supporters, AMLO gave an interview where he expressed certainty that he would win the PRD presidential nomination, and then came the shocker: With regards to a possible Ebrard victory in the struggle for the nomination, this is what the mafia wants. 

So the bad guys - Salinas et al - wants Ebrard to win the nomination, and not AMLO. Forget about sharing a projects; it really is about personalities. And when the day comes that Ebrard wins... expect AMLO to denounce his victory as a fraud and orchestrated by the mafia.

With apologies for the theatrics: Consider the AMLO-Ebrard break as finalized.

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