Saturday, October 9, 2010

One question for AMLO: Why bother participating?

It's quite circular, actually: PT and AMLO have been promoting various spots or campaign ads recently, and the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) has ordered some of them to be removed for violating electoral law. Most recently, AMLO and the PT launched another spot with images of former presidents such as Carlos Salinas, current president Felipe Calderón, and others, with the label "mafia" attached to them. IFE ordered it withdrawn for denigrating the presidential office.  AMLO, in turn, argues that this is merely evidence that IFE is controlled by.... you got it, the mafia. In AMLO's words
"We all know that the institutions have been undermined, because the serve a mafia of power, not the people."
You might consider it a preemptive strike - label IFE, TEJPJ, the congress, the PRD, whatever, as "mafia" ahead of any adversarial decisions. But it also begs the question: If the dice are so truly loaded against him, if the PAN, PRI, the PRD under Ortega for sure, all the institutions, are either part of the "mafia," are "traitors," or both - why bother participating in the first place?


  1. I love your blog. I just discovered it. Thanks so much for your hard work.

    AMLO sort of reminds me of Sarah Palin in the United States. Always the victim.

  2. Thanks, Pablo - much appreciated.
