Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Five years of Peña Nieto: Mexico State worst in country for femicides.

The many and mostly unresolved murders in Júarez, Chihuahua, introduced into the mainstream a horrifying word, "femicide," or the deliberate killing of women. 

Yet according to the Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del Feminicidio, the state that topped the list of most women murders in 2009 was not Chihuahua or any of the "drug war" states, but Mexico State: Out of 1700 registered murders of women, 309 happened in Edomex. 

Now these are, to be sure, absolute figures, and Mexico State's huge population base must be taken in mind, but it is nonetheless an alarmingly high figure, particularly as Mexico City only counts 80 cases. 

Yet another dent in Peña Nieto's media-created image. 

1 comment:

  1. I taught English in Zumpango, Estado de Mexico. All of my friends in Hidalgo (where I lived) told me that Estado de Mexico is violent. I guess they were right, at least in regards to women.
