Monday, October 25, 2010

AMLO's magical realism: "In 2006 we won by close to 10 percent... now we are going to win by 20 points"

I am not sure if it's correct to say that AMLO is getting ever more erratic and radical - the aftermath of the 2006 to me exposed him as a man who seemed incapable of accepting defeat. as well as any errors or his own making.

It is nonetheless striking to hear him today, four years after, when absolutely no serious academic study, no testimony, no evidence whatsoever has been presented that AMLO actually won in 2006, declare,
"I have my calculations and in 2006 we won with nearly 10 points, that was the extent of fraud that they did to us, and now we are going to win over them by 20 points because there are more people supporting us."
Where does this come from? Does he truly believe in what he is saying? I am not sure what is the most disconcerting, with regards to the future stability of Mexico's democracy - that he does, or that he doesn't.

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