Monday, August 16, 2010

On the subject of Guanajuato : Teen pregnancy explodes due to sex ed prohibition

On the subject of Guanajuato and the catholic church, La Jornada reports that in the last four years, teen pregnancies have increased by a massive 40 percent. This is a state where the catholic church has massive influence on the PAN state government and on social policy: Guanajuato's yunquista governor, Juan Manuel Oliva Ramírez, has prohibited nearly any sexual education in school and attempts at family planning. Reports La Jornada: "The secretary of educaiton, Alberto Diosdado... recommends students that they conserve their virginity until marriage, practice abstinence, avoid contraceptives, and reject homosexuality."
In addition, the state government sends the police to harass family planning organizations.

The church, for its part continues to fight tooth and nail against condoms and birth control pills. And sadly, here is the direct result of these irresponsible and utterly irrational policies, namely a massive and highly predictable rise in teen pregnancies. How in the world is this consistent with "family values," nominally held so dear by the church?

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