Monday, August 9, 2010

Norberto Rivera Carrera calls the Supreme Court "deviant."

Cardinal Rivera Carrera, the highest authority of the catholic church in Mexico and an extremely controversial archconservative cleric in Mexico - not only for his many blatantly partisan calls and interference in politics, but also for such transgressions as being more concerned with protecting pederasts rather than their victims -  came out swinging against the recent declaration by the Mexican Supreme Court that the gay weddings allowed in Mexico City are indeed constitutional. 

Rivera called the supreme court decision aberrante, which one may translate directly as aberrant, or even deviant. This is the same man who once declared, to the victims of pedophile priests,
"You will forget quickly what father Nicolás Aguilar Rivera did. Soon you will not even remember it. You must know how to forgive him. The father is a sick man."
Does Rivera Carrera have any moral authority to call for prayers against the enemies of the church, when, as far as I know the catholic doctrine, he appears its own worst enemy? Given the fantastic work performed in so many parishes by well-meaning, good-hearted catholics, priests or not, it is sad to see that the church is represented by a man like Rivera.

One personal comments on this issue, beyond Mexican politics:
I do understand and also respect that people oppose gay marriages due to their personal religious or moral convictions, as defined subjectively. For instance, Cardinal Rivera stated:
"These de facto or legalistic unions of persons of the same sex are intrinsically immoral, as they contradict the divine proyect, distorting the nature of marriage."
OK, I don't agree with it, but if that is Rivera's reading of the bible, fine. But it is what follows that truly puzzles me:
"Such immoral activity can never be equivalent to the sexual expressions of the love of married life, as it puts into danger the dignity and the rights of the family, which constitutes the common good of society."
This is what I can't understand: How is a christian, catholic marriage in any way threatened by gay marriage? How is allowing gay people to marry in any way connected to threatening their marriages, let along the "rights of the family"? From what I gather, allowing gay marriages, or civil unions for that matter, has to do exactly with giving gay couples the same rights as straight couples. Why is this so threatening? If the church is truly anticipating a flood of unraveling man+woman marriages as a consequence of allowing gay marriage in Mexico city, perhaps the foundations on which these marriages were built were not the strongest to begin with.

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