Tuesday, July 20, 2010

PRD history lesson from Senator Graco Ramírez

Given the heavy criticism from both AMLO and CC of the PRD-PAN alliances, it is worth recalling, as does PRD Senator Graco Ramírez, that both PRD ex-presidents also advocated them in the past.

While the alliances were certainly controversial within both parties, members of the PRD corriente or party faction Nueva Izquierda rightly criticized the two caudillos for opposing the alliances while doing nothing to help the PRD in the states where the party ran alone. AMLO, for his part, only campaigned for Senator Dante Delgado in Veracruz, where the founder and former president of Convergencia - and, to be sure, former priísta governor of Veracruz - only finished third.

Both AMLO and CC appeared convinced the aliances would fail spectacularly. In the end, only their predictions did.

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