Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mexico's interior ministry incapable or unwilling to stand up to church violations

Mexico's electoral institute IFE earlier found that Hugo Valdemar, the attack-dog spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Mexico, had violated Mexican law by calling for catholics not to vote for the PRD.
IFE then sent the case to the Minstry of the Interior for it to decide sanction. It is worth noting here that IFE had first refused to touch the case, but was ordered to do so by the TEPJF, the electoral tribunal.

Yet what does the Interior Ministry, headed by José Francisco Blake Mora, do? It sends the case back to IFE again! In other words, it cowardly refuses to do its job and actually apply a sanction to Valdemar, who it has already been established broke the law.

This case, serious as it is - should the church use its state-funded organization in favor or against certain political parties? - is becoming a true joke. As 2012 is approaching quickly, it is really urgent that this obvious impunity of the church to break the law must end.

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