Sunday, January 9, 2011

A step toward possible prosecution: Judge denies amparo to Amalia García

A Zacatecas city judge denied former Amalia García a writ of amparo, which she had filed through a law firm to seek to avoid legal complaints about her alleged responsibility in administrative irregularities in the state she governed for six years.

García, whose administration is under scrutiny by a new PRI-led government, had sought to freeze the investigation of a possible 1.4 billion pesos embezzlement, where she is herself implicated directly in at least four out of 39 proceedings. No such luck.

Note that the ex governor had earlier claimed she would not resort to any such legal measures, which is now exposed, as it goes, as an "untruth."

García has claimed political persecution, given that the new government is closely allied with her old nemesis, Ricardo Monreal. We shall see.

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