Monday, December 6, 2010

Guerrero gubernatorial elections: AMLO (conditionally) backs Ángel Aguirre

A highly significant event in Guerrero: The candidacy of Ángel Aguirre received a highly significant endorsement when Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who still attracts sizable support among the PRD mass base, came out backing the PRD-PT-Convergencia candidate - of sorts, at least.

Following what was euphemistically termed a "public vote" - the mechanism practiced by AMLO where he "asks," in a highly plebiscitarian fashion whether his supports backs his proposal, and where a sufficiently loud "Yes!" counts as affirmation, AMLO in a mass meeting in Guerrero state capital Chilpancingo said he would back Ángel Aguirre, if Aguirre signed on to AMLO's "Ten Basic Compromises," essentially extending the AMLO-era social programs when he was Mexico City mayor, to Guerrero.

This is very much a moot point: Marclo Ebrard, who has continued and developed much AMLO's programs and created a range of new ones, has already appeared with Aguirre where the candidate has promised to take Ebrards social programs to Guerrero. Moreover, Aguirre has also said he opposes the building of the La Parota dam, a huge hydroelectric power project, given the low compensation for people affected by the construction. AMLO's backing of Aguirre is as such "conditioned" on his continued rejection of this project. So why do it in the first place? Given that Aguirre is not running in coalition with the PAN - anathema to AMLO - there is no obvious reason why he wouldn't back Aguirre, yet to me the very public "I'll back you if you do this" declaration is principally meant as AMLO staking out "ownership" of Aguirre as "his" candidate as well.

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