Saturday, December 4, 2010

AMLO: Calderón lies about Chàvez ties. He is probably right

According to leaked cable 231175, part of the Wikileaks cache, Calderón expressed worry to the United States that Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez was financing AMLO's and PRD's campaign - and as late as October 2009, reiterated fears of Venezuelan meddling in Mexican politics

To recall, during the 2006 electoral campaign this was turned into open swift boat-style campaign ads, where AMLO was deemed a "Danger to Mexico" with images of Chávez imposed. According to AMLO, "Calderón is a pathological liar." I am hard pressed to object.  Absolutely no evidence has ever surfaced that the PRD or AMLO received as much as a bolivar in support from Chávez: It was a lie then, and it remains a lie today.

Yet why would Calderón still suggest this to the U.S. embassy? Two alternatives - you make your pick:

1) Calderón truly believed Chávez was backing AMLO financially, and the Wikileaks as such merely reflect this fear.
2) Calderón did know this claim was false, yet still wanted the United States to believe Chávez was backing AMLO; the Wikileaks cable as such really reflects that Calderón wanted the U.S to hear.

(Not that anyone should be forced to prove a negative  - "prove to me that God did not create the earth in six days" - it think the Chávez-AMLO link is most easily dismissed from the fact that AMLO cares absolutely nothing at all about foreign relations, and hasn't the slightest interest in other leftwing governments of the region. One anecdote: During the infamous desafuero, or where Fox disgraced himself by trying to keep AMLO out of the presidential contest, then-ambassador from Brazil and a major big shot in the Brazilian PT wanted to hand over a letter to AMLO where Lula expressed his strong support for AMLO, yet AMLO didn't even take the time to meet him. Another story: When Bolivian President Evo Morales visited Mexico a few months back, AMLO didn't even take time off from his nth "tour-of-every-municipality" to meet him, because frankly, he doesn't give a damn.)

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